Paying For Your Treatment

Resolving Patient Financial Responsibility

Reading Your Bill

Insurance Often Requires Patients to Contribute to Care Costs

When you signed up for your insurance you likely remember reviewing the cost of your co-pays and co-insurance for various types of treatment. As you've likely encountered when seeing a doctor, you are requried to pay some amount for your treatment. This amount varies based on the type of treatment and the person treating you.

This remains true for mental health and other forms of treatment. If you've received a statement, that is because you did not yet pay your portion of your treatment and your provider asked RecoveryPay for help contacting you and receiving payment. You may resolve your financial responsibility by clicking the Pay My Bill link in the header.

Why Did I Receive A Statement?

Paying For Treatment is Easy

Patient Responsibility

As part of the contract between you and your insurance company, you are required to pay for some amount of any treatment you receive up to a set maximum (your out of pocket max). Your statement lists this amount and how it was calculated.

Paying For Your Treatment

As part of receiving your treatment, you were required to review and sign an estimated cost of treatment. Your treatment facility is required by law to attempt to receive payment for this amount.

Payment Questions

RecoveryPay will make serveral attempts to contact you about your balance due to for treatment received. If you need more time to pay or would like to work out a payment plan please reach out to your facility directly.

Patient Resources

Learn More About Insurance & Your Responsibilities

Understanding how your insurance policy works can be challenging. We encourage all patients to reach out to their specific insurance provider to help understand their benefits and responsibilities under their plan.

If you are uncertain of where you can look for these resources you can use some of the below links to learn more about insurance:


Common Questions

If you believe something is incorrect on your statement, you will need to reach out directly to the treating facility to resolve the issue. We will then send you an updated statement once we've heard from your treatment provider. Your provider and their contact information is listed on your statement.
Except in very few circumstances, RecoveryPay is not authorized to enter into payment plans on behalf of your provider. If you would like to settle or get on a payment plan, you will need to reach out to them directly.
If you believe that there has been an error in the amount your insurance company paid and the amount they indicated you owed, you will need to reach out to your insurance company directly to resolve this matter. We are unable to contact them on your behalf.
Unfortunately, we can only accept ACH and payments by debit or credit card at this time. Please do not mail a check or send a money order to the providing facility or to us as it may delay posting your payment and result in penalties.
Paying is easy! Simply click on the Pay My Bill button at the top or bottom of the page and follow the instructions therein. Please be sure to enter your information correctly otherwise your payment may be delayed and result in penalties.

Received A Statement?

Take care of your financial responsibility today.

About Patients Providers